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Islam COPIED from Judaism into Quran,Tabut-ark Sakinat- the presence of God,Taurat – law Taghut – error,Jannatu’Adn- paradise Ma’un- refuge,Jahannam – hell Masanil – repetition,Ahbar – teacher Rabani – teacher,Furquan – deliverance, redemption (S. 8:42,2:181,also misused as ‘revelation’_ Sabt – Sabbath Malakut – government etc. Hebrew origin words are used in Quran.Creation,Divine guidance,revelation,judgement after death were COPIED from Judaism by Islam.Otherwise why wouldn’t Arabic word used? In Quran,SO Many words are NOT Arabic but Hebrew words, Chaldaean, Syriac,…..etc concept of 7 heavens and 7 hells are in Jews books Hagigah and Zohar (S. 15:44, 17:46) God’s throne is above the waters (S. 11:9) from Jews Rashi.God’s throne is above the waters (S. 11:9) from Jews Rashi.There is a wall or partition separating heaven and hell (S. 7:44) a variety of places in Jews Midrash.Creation,Divine guidance,revelation,judgement after death.. etc were all COPIED from Judaism by Islam. Religious usages of Islam taken from the Jews Daybreak begins when you can distinguish a white from a black (Islam)/blue (Jews) thread (S. 2:83, Mishnah Berakhoth) S. 21:105 is a quotation of Psalm 37:11. How could the Quran quote the Psalms unless it came after them, therefore either the Psalms must be eternal as well, or the Quran is not. Christianity and Judaism are both as religions rooted in our world history. ‘What really happened’ is seen as important criteria for determining the “Truth” or “Falsehood” of the religion. Modern scholarship of Islam has the same desire to achieve positive results, but the literary qualities of the available sources are often overlooked. Neutral testimony, archaeological data, datable documents, and evidence from external sources, are profoundly lacking

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